Cape Cod & the Shining Sea Bikeway

We spent Mother’s Day Weekend visiting family on Cape Cod. Falmouth, Massachusetts is a cool town with a lot of history. My uncle’s home is right near the six-mile mark of the Falmouth Road Race course. I can’t believe I’ve never done the seven-mile race. It is on my to-do list.

Last Saturday morning, I watched our kids while Debbie went on a little six-hour jog. She left with her headlamp before sunrise and returned just before noon. Later in the day, I road a couple of hours on the Shining Sea Bike Bikeway. The bikeway is built on an old rail line like so many other great trails in New England.

Falmouth has a great bicycling community and the town’s bikeways committee appears to be a strong supporter.

I’m on a mission to ride as many rail trails as I can. I think they are a fantastic repurposing of our ancient infrastructure and they have great history. Every community should be so lucky to have a rail trail like Falmouth.

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